Ever since our Facebook group started back in 2014 the staple diet has been shared photographs, but things move on and it's becoming easier than ever to create and share crystal-clear high definition video with you all.
Whilst our Facebook group will continue 'as is' with photos and community sharing, we believe that developing a new video capability to complement our Facebook activities is the way forward. We are very excited about being able to bring group activities to life for everyone on your devices wherever you may be, whether you happen to be using a tablet/smartphone, a computer or a smart TV.
We intend to create as much exciting and engaging video content as we can based around official group activities in addition to some new ideas we have for occasional video features such as a regular spotlight on members' classics where we would interview the owners, walk around their cars and go for a drive, thus giving members a real taste of the classic car experience.
The first new material we expect to deliver will feature footage from our next driving tour and also our appearance at this year's Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show with Discovery at the NEC in November. To enable us to do this, we have invested in some new Go Pro camera equipment and have set up our own video channel on YouTube to host the films we want to make for you.
We have already started, testing out what we need to do and how to go about it; there is a lot to learn, but with your support we can only get better. We've created several videos by reusing existing photos and video clips from past events; the intention from here on with our shiny new gear is to step up the quality and bring you fresh new material as soon as we can.
How you can help
To make this work, we need your help and support; we need as many members as possible to subscribe to our channel - it's 100% free of charge, and will guarantee that you are notified every time we upload new content (this will probably be about once a month initially). And if you know anyone else who perhaps doesn't want to use Facebook but would enjoy watching our YouTube output, share it with them too - the more, the merrier!
Below are some preview thumbnails that are links to the content already there on our channel - do take a look, remembering to click Like on each video and subscribe to the channel so you'll be among the first to know when our new content is ready (it won't be far off). You can also post comments on the YouTube pages - it would be great to see some lively discussions there.
Please take a few minutes to browse what's already there and let us know your thoughts.
Paul Berman
2/10/2021 09:44:55
Thanks very much everyone - this sounds really good. I'm not very tech but I watch quite a few items on YouTube. When it all gets under way, can you let us know please how we should send you any footage we might record on our phones - even I know how to film things on my phone. Thanks again, Paul.
Thanks Paul - good quality footage would be very welcome. Video is too big to send by email but you can send it to us at [email protected] using one of the free file-sharing apps that are available - you might try https://wetransfer.com/.
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EditorsPaul Sweeney |